About Me

I'm Jackie Zorz and I am a postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley. Before this role, I completed my PhD in the Microbial Markets and Geomicrobiology group at the University of Calgary. I started working with R and microbial ecology data during my Master's degree (almost 10 years ago now!), when I was trying to wrangle data sets with thousands of species and hundreds of samples from an extensive marine 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing survey. Since then, I've used R to help analyze and visualize even larger and more complex datasets, like those from metagenomes and metaproteomes. I've compiled some of the code that I've worked with over the years into these tutorials. Hopefully you find them helpful!

I am always eager to explore new frontiers and collaborate on innovative projects. The field of bioinformatics is constantly evolving, and I am enthusiastic about contributing my skills and experience to teams and projects that aim to push the boundaries of our understanding. Please feel free to reach out if you're interested in discussing potential collaborations or opportunities where my expertise might be of benefit.

I can be reached at: